Motional response measurement system for testing physical education colleges players by using optical exciter

Assistant Dr. Bahaa Tuma Jiyad


The physical testing are very important for identify the qualification of player, but to determine the time response of physical movement since from the order or exciting began, whether this excitation are audio or optical until the completion of movement required and therefore the time extraction between tow order which represents the time response, will be critically determined where that whenever a short time response it was prefect performance of the player. Previously adopted a set of techniques to identify this time response, including audio, through the issuance of orders either by the examiner or by the device shall issue orders and determined the time response required after motion, and this measuring are handmade and may be visual ordering in another way by raising card or Pennon then the Player moves to the target location and then calculate the time different manually. From here it came to think a small-sized device can do this work automatically by flashing specified colors then the player moves on the track toward the target color which put on it a stopwatch posh bottom, which starts counting the time in mille second of the issuance of optical signal device then the device determines the time it takes through the equation:


Δt = tstart -tstop  ………………(1)

This is an advantage that device have it which can use the electronics measurement for time response instead of handmade counting which conjugate a lot of trouble.  

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