Design and Manufacture Sections used in the construction of housing units with low cost

Prof. Dr. Harith Ibrahim Jaafar & et al.


Consider the reeds in the marshes of southern Iraq, which were neglected agricultural resources. There are large quantities of reeds and it is used in the construction of houses and cottages, which was non- weatherproof. In this patent, it has been designing and manufacture of sections and sheets of reeds reinforced by fiber glass and  Albardy. The reeds were weaved as woven reeds in an artistic way and strengthened by glass fibers, than covered by Albardy using resin. The  dimensions of  sheets are 2.5 * 1 meter squares. The properties of these sections are light weight , durability, low thermal conductivity as well as easy to carry and can be used at any site, especially in the marshes , and can be built  housing units in tourist sites as well as  these materials are environmentally friendly materials. Pilot study was carried out at the Department of  Research  of Ministry of Industry ( Jadriya) as well as in southern Iraq. Evaluating the work  after more than four years of the establishment of these units.

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