Using the pure lignin compound from flax seed Linum usitatissimum as the desmutagen and the bioantimutagen in mammals system

Prepared by:  

Prof. Dr. Issam Fadhil Alwan al-Jumaily/Institute of genetic engineering and biotechnologies, University of Baghdad


This invention was performed on the use Pure Lignan of linseed  (Linum usitatissimum) and its antimutagenic and antimutagenic resistance methotrexate (MTX) Drug in different organism. Flaxseed is the richest source of all plants and most plants are richest with Enterodiol and Enterolactone. Flax seeds contain about 60,110 + 7,431 g / 100 kg. The purification of Lignan was made by using following chromatographic  techniques: liquid-liquid  chromatographic, ion exchange  chromotographic,thin layer chromatographic(TLC) and high performance liquid chromatographic(HPLC), The activity of the purified Lignan was tested by mammalian system  using albino mice. Different parameters were studied for the both systems, and the results were as the  following:
1. Lignan had no toxic effects on the bone morrow in albino mice.

2. Lignan had an inhibition action against the mutagen MTX so it was classified as desmutagens compound at the first degree because it inhibited the mutagen effect in percentage of 100% when the lignan was used (Before) and (With) MTX, and classified as bioantimutagen at the second degree because it inhibited mutagen effects between 94-100% when it was used  (after) the mutagen in treating the bacterial isolates in this study. Lignan showed highly performance in protecting the bone morrow cells in mice against toxic mutagen MTX effect, because lignan increased the mitotic index and decreased the abnormal chromosomes and micronuclei when the treatment was (Before)mutagen,so lignan was classified as  desmutagen compound ,and it had the ability to repair the destroyed cell by mutagen,and it repairs Chromosomal aberration and decrease the micronuclei form in bone morrow cells in mice that caused by the effects of mutagen when treated (after) the mutagen, therefore lignan classified as Bioantimutagen against MTX mutagen at the second degree.  

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