Al – kindy college of medicine at the university of Baghdad  equips its classrooms with modern technologies for e-learning

Al – kindy college of medicine at the University of Baghdad set upon using electronic blackboard and  modern electronic system for medical education inside classrooms to keep up with the latest developments and new technologies in modern medical e-learning. These new technologies are characterized with providing special types of computers, touch screens through using documentary camera that is characterized with three – dimensional display technology which is one of the latest modern scientific technologies in the world. The college inaugurated modern classrooms equipped with the latest medical equipments and furniture for the advisory clinics of the college in order to accommodate the growing numbers of students since the college received this year students twice as many as it received in the last year. Also the college is keen that its halls and laboratories would be of large area, equipped with modern scientific and educational supplies to create an appropriate academic atmosphere for the professor and the student so as to receive materials in an interesting way.

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