A study at the institute of laser provides solutions to some dermatoses

A public discussion took place of a higher diploma thesis in laser medicine by Saleh Abdul Kafi Hamoudi entitled (treatment of Hypertrophied Scar using CO2 laser with or without Corticostrreroid). The researcher stated that CO2 laser of a wavelength (10,600 nm) is considered as a modern way to treat skin thickness resulting from injuries, burns and surgical wounds. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the use of CO2 laser in treating (20) patients with various types of injuries in several sessions with or without the use of topical steroids (triamcinolone). The result was that all patients who have undergone this treatment felt some kind of change in the shape of skin thickness. The committee consisted of assistant prof. Dr. Ali Shukur Mahmoud specialized in laser surgery  from the institute of laser for graduate studies at the university of Baghdad as a member, assistant prof. Dr. Omar Salem Khatab from the college of medicine at the university of Baghdad as a member and Dr. Lutfi Ghulam Awazli as a supervisor.

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