An instructor from the university of Baghdad innovates three units to design logic modules

Professor Dr. Salim Muhammed Ridha Taha, an instructor in the college of engineering, university of Baghdad, innovated three units to design logic reversible modules and this achievement is considered as one of the important global and scientific innovations he reached at. This kind of logic has various important applications in different engineering fields such as quantum computing, nano technology, CMOS, visual computing and DNA for computers. These innovated units have been named after his name ( Salim 1, Salim 2 and Salim 3 ). The details of this innovation were published in International Journal of Computer Applications issued in U.S in May, 2014 for his research entitled “Design of Reversible Programmable Gate Array based on New Reversible Logic Modules”. This innovation was used in a new design of programmed gates matrix of reversible reciprocate logic and this design proved to be of high efficiency when compared with the previous methods. The logical gate is a simple electronic circuit that performs a logical operation on one input or more resulting into one logical output used in the construction of electronic devices processors and computers and each of these logical modules can be considered as (L) machine that contains one or more inputs but only one output and can absorpe one basic unit of information (0) or (1), then processing it to give the output (0) or (1) by allocating a series of zeros or units through (Boolean logic) working in digital circuits, electronic circuit that can be achieved by diodes, transistors, electronic switches, logical fluids, lights signals, particles and even mechanical parts.

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