A study in the college of engineering presents design solutions to develop nurseries and kindergartens

At the college of engineering at the university of Baghdad, a master thesis was discussed entitled “design solutions for child-friendly architecture: nurseries and kindergartens” submitted by the student ( Noor Abdul Basit Munib Muhammad Amin ) in the department of architecture. It is an important study since it deals with childhood where the basic concepts are being taught to children that serve in consolidating the foundations of creativity and excellence and it is a fine stage that has many dimensions which consists 50% of his intelligence. The development of all nations and societies is measured by their interest in the world of children and the development of the educational system in line with the new developments and requirements in a generous environment for children in the early years of age that assist the continuity and integrity of his mental, emotional, sensory growth. In the theoretical framework of the study, the researcher found a lack of knowledge in the field of architecture in general, particularly in providing clear theoretical frameworks for design solutions to child-friendly architecture and the absence of a dialectic and a logical link between the architectural theories, educational and psychological theories of children. Therefore, the study consisted of five chapters, in the first one, the researcher shed light on the importance of the nurseries and kindergartens in recent history by focusing on the history of the emergence of nurseries and kindergartens on the global educational and architectural level and then at the local level. In the second chapter, the study dealt with the psychology of play and reflection of curriculum on children’s environment requirements to build four common concepts that reflect the desired characteristics of the child’s environment ( external and internal environments ) through workshops, laboratories and   a sustainable healthy environment similar to home. Chapter three sought to translate these concepts into strategies that are compatible with the internal and the external environments of the child’s environment . The fourth chapter dealt with applying the theoretical framework of the study, while the last chapter included conclusions, recommendations and the findings of the study that was supervised by assistant professor Dr. Huda Abdul Saheb al- Alwan, prof. Talib Hamid al-Talib as chairman and assistant professor Dr. Asmaa Mohammed Hussein al Mukram and Dr. Abdul Jawad Hassan Aziz as members.

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